Cellar spiders (Pisauridae)
Cellar spider (Pholcus phalangoides)
Web: an open, messy, 3D web.
Habitat: almost always in or close to buildings. Often in the corner of the ceiling in cellars or bathrooms, but also in the garage, the garden shed,…
How to recognize:
Looks similar to:
♀: 8-10 mm
♂: 7-10 mm
♀: throughout the year
♂: throughout the year
Nursery web spiders (Pisauridae)
Nursery web spider (Pisaura mirabilis)
Web: the Nursery web spider doesn’t make a catching web, but is an active hunter, by using fangs and legs to immobilize prey.
Habitat: often in open habitats with rather high vegetation such as roadsides, grasslands, forest edges. Also in the garden on taller grass.
How to recognize:
Looks similar to:
♀: 11-15 mm
♂: 10-13 mm
♀: May till August
♂: May till July
Spitting spiders (Scytodidae)
Spitting spider (Scytodes thoracica)
Web: the Spitting spider doesn’t make a catching web, but stalks its prey (flies, mosquitoes) on walls and spits a mixture of sticky silk and poison in a zigzag pattern over the prey. The threadlike adhesive shrinks, pinning the prey to the surface.
Habitat: almost exclusively indoors. In summer sometimes on the outside of houses and one very strange find of a Spitting spider underneath a tussock in a field during winter (!).
How to recognize:
Looks similar to:
♀: 4-6 mm
♂: 3-5 mm
♀: throughout the year
♂: throughout the year
Cell spiders (Dysderidae)
Woodlouse spider (Dysdera crocata)
Web: the Woodlouse spider doesn’t make a catching web, but actively hunts its prey.
Habitat: Is found in a humid environment such as underneath stones, flower pots, bark, dead wood. In gardens and in parcs, but also in forests. Sometimes also indoors in humid cellars.
How to recognize:
Looks similar to:
♀: 11-15 mm
♂: 9-10 mm
♀: throughout the year, but with a peak from May till July
♂: throughout the year, but with a peak from May till July