False black widow (Steatoda grossa)
Web: 3D web with messy threads and often vertical threads with glue on the lower part towards the substrate (“gum footed threads”).
Habitat: Mainly in dark places in buildings (preference for cellars, where webs are constructed close to the cellar window), but also outdoors near solid structures. The spider usually hides in crevices.
Hot to recognize:
Looks similar to:
♀: 6,5-10mm
♂: 4-6mm
♀: throughout the year
♂: August till September
Rabbit hutch spider (Steatoda bipunctata)
Web: 3D web with messy threads and often vertical threads with glue on the lower part towards the substrate (“gum footed threads”). The web sometimes has a matlike appearance.
Habitat: Mostly close to or in buildings, but also regularly outdoor in hollow trees, away from buildings. The spider often hides in a crevice.
Herkennen aan:
Looks similar to:
♀: 4,5-7mm
♂: 4-5,5mm
♀: throughout the year
♂: April till November
Triangulate combfoot (Steatoda triangulosa)
Web: 3D web with messy threads and often vertical threads with glue on the lower part towards the substrate (“gum footed threads”). The web sometimes has a matlike appearance.
Habitat: Mainly in dark places in buildings, contrary to the False black widow also in dry places such as attics. Or in living rooms on the underside of furniture, where you can often find egg sacs. Regularly also outdoors near solid structures. The spider usually hides in crevices.
How to recognize:
Looks similar to:
♀: 3,5-7mm
♂: 3,5-5mm
♀: throughout the year
♂: June till October